Humans are in for it.

Deferring to the fact that the attention span of many Americans had dwindled to the length of a soundbite, (or in some cases dog whistle) I have begun sharing factoids, quotes, adages, and pleas about and for the environment and wildlife in memes I've created. I find that something really short – headline length – gets more attention and reaction than essays, no matter how concise and brief those essays are. 

I've wanted to zero in on the most important issues on the planet – environment and wildlife – which, like most indigenous cultures, humans have cancelled out. People that deny these problems, and that we are sleepwalking into our own extinction, and taking the rest of nature with us, are the ones that can't see past their own selfish indulgence or lust for convenience, comfort, and out-of-control consumerism to consider the needs of other beings on this planet – or even vast numbers of their own species – for mere survival.

I'm writing a horror novel about animals rising up and becoming the dominant species, turning the tables on the unimaginable cruelty and arrogance of humans, and the research has left me horrified and sick to my stomach learning about the hateful meanness, wicked brutality, and criminal selfishness my species is capable of. 

I'm so freaking angry, on so many levels, at the mass destruction of nature and the vastness of human ignorance and greed that I can barely rein it in anymore, and have more than once closed my computer saying, 'you know what? Screw humans. We deserve to be circling the drain'. We've become spoiled rotten brats who won't even wear masks during a pandemic to protect ourselves and our children – a pandemic, incidentally, that we created, and that has infected non-human beings on this planet as well as our own species.  But what can we expect from a species that allows animals to be born in factories, where they'll spend their entire pain-filled lives hooked up to machines, starting with being force-fed until their mouths and throats hemorrhage, so we can have more tender meat? 

The only problem with popping the cork on some good wine and watching the human species wipe themselves out in the name of their own consumerism and ignorance is that we're taking every other species on the earth – plants and animals – along with us…to the tune of 200 species extinct every freaking day. 

And for what? Mind-numbing video games that glorify violence? Weapons to accelerate our own destruction? Fixed professional sports? Dumbed-down educational curriculums because the truth makes us uncomfortable? Disposable everything to ensure we never have to get off our lazy asses and do dishes again? Armpits and sheets that smell like meadows that no longer survive because we've destroyed the bees that pollenate them? The freedom to fuck over the planet and every animal on it with no responsibility or accountability whatsoever?  A population, the majority of which is so spoiled and addicted to sugar that they would rather take metformin and insulin and destroy their health than restrain their consumption of sweets and processed food? A population that's so bull-headed and disdainful of dietary information about fats and salt that by mid-life they're dependent on blood pressure meds? A population that's so lazy and fat that they'd rather be dependent on the pharmaceutical industry than get off their asses and take a simple walk every day? Populations that tolerate leaders whose greed and lust for power is so great that they bomb cities and the innocent people who live in them into blood-spattered rubble to grab the territory? The lust for gemstones that sends enslaved children into mines to retrieve them to decorate rich fingers, ears, and chests? Palaces with gold-threaded carpets? Yachts? Sexual slaves? Oceans that are so polluted with plastic that marine life and water birds starve to death with bellies full – of our micro plastic waste? Wild animals who are slaughtered only for their pelts, paws, heads, tusks to be displayed as trophies? Beaches and oceans that are filled with plastic waste that we're too lazy to properly recycle? This never-ending list of atrocities against nature by people who are so separated from the real world, they don't know where their food comes from?

Much of the human species are self-indulgent, spoiled brats in dire need of a serious spanking. And if we keep going the way we are, Mother Nature is gonna be hunting a switch. 


  1. Well written, Terri! The human race, for the most part, is pampered, selfish, and sadistic. We'll deserve what we get when the end comes for us.


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