You'll be seeing a lot of the painting above. It was painted by my good friend Vi Huntley-Franck. She was kind enough to send me the original painting for a wedding present when I married Terri DelCampo-Nelson. It sits in a prominent area of my house where I can look at it every day. It shows a happy looking me with a wolf in a majestic mountain setting. I'm starting up a long series of articles about the environment, climate change, and everything related to them. Each article will be of a specific nature. Whenever you see the painting, you'll know what the article is about. Thank you Vi for allowing me to use your painting.
Even though I have advanced degrees in Biology, Chemistry, Bio-Chem, and Physics, I am going to present the articles in laypersons' terminology. I want to approach everything from a common-sense view. I love the great outdoors, and I want to be surrounded by an environment that is not polluted. I live on this spinning rock. It is my home.
One thing that worries me is that once things settle down with the pandemic we're in the midst of now, is that we'll rush pell-mell into disregarding climate change, dirty fuels, and the like. Back in 2006 and 2007, there were many people talking about wanting to embrace Green living. The recession hit and that attitude calmed down in a hurry. Things changed in the minds of many. Jobs became the focus again. I can certainly understand wanting to put food on your table, but living with dirty air, polluted water, and contaminated soil is not the way to do it. Common sense can be utilized. Yes, we can't do everything at once, but there is much that all of us can do.
We don't want to return to the days of oil-slicked rivers burning away. Nor do we wish for pesticides to kill untold numbers of animals, as well as humans. And we shouldn't be forced to breathe unhealthy air caused by auto pollution and coal-fueled power plants.
And, my friends, gasoline-powered automobiles are on the way out. As many folks are saying, "Keep it in the ground." Ruptured pipelines need to be a thing of the past.
Politically speaking, we cannot afford to tear apart the EPA and other agencies which need to be working for us and not some greedy politicians standing in line to fill their pockets from the well-financed lobbies.
Sustainability is a keyword of the present, in order for us to have a future. We need to be better humans.
This is merely my start-off article. There will be many more to come.
Copyright 2022 by Blaze McRob. All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this article without the permission of the author constitutes unlawful piracy and theft of the author's intellectual property.
Blaze McRob
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